Child’s Second Home

A pre-school is a child’s first long-term experience outside his home. In such a situation, ensuring the comfort-level of a child is very essential. A child blooms in an environment with a cheerful ambience. When a child is comfortable, he is able to interact better with both the teacher and other children.

At EuroKids, we ensure that the child feels as comfortable as he does at home. At the same time, we strike a balance by maintaining the discipline of a school. In the process, the child is able to discover his skills and talent as he is not intimidated by the environment.

A typical day at EuroKids packs in the right amount of learning through fun which ensures that there is always a smile on the face of a EuroKid.

International Experience

The educational experience at EuroKids is on par with the highest international standards. Point at the rectangles to learn more

Our Faculty

We believe that a teacher’s skill plays a strong role in influencing the child’s power to grasp and learn concepts. At EuroKids, we train the teachers in the best possible way and ensure that they are completely prepared for their responsibilities.

In addition to their educational qualifications and training we ensure that the teachers are warm and caring in their approach. The teachers are ably assisted by support staff. Regular in-service training is conducted and information about the latest trends in early childhood education and care are imparted as well.

Parents enjoy it just as much

A child can realize his complete potential only if parents are actively involved in his/her education process. At EuroKids we believe that parents are an integral part of the system and we involve them in school activities on a regular basis. Parents are informed about the happenings at EuroKids through informative newsletters.

This gives parents a clear picture of what their child has learnt in school and the fun sessions that he has participated in. Besides this, there are regular parent-teacher sessions where there is a useful exchange of information on the child’s progress and also informal sessions where parents participate in various delightful activities with the children.